* First human communicated only through speaking and simple drawings known as PETROGLYTHS, signs or simple figures carved in rocks.
* Geometric signs such as dots, squares and other basic styles with no apparent represented object.
* Ideographs are symbols to represent ideas or concepts.
* First Development of signs corresponding to spoken sounds, instead of pictures to express words.
* Starting in 3100 B.C the Sumerians in Mesopotamia cuneiform (coo-nay-eh-form, the first true written language and the first real information system) was started to use.
* Around 2000 B.C. , Phonicians created symbols that expressed single syllables and consonants ( the first true alphabet ).
* The Greek later adopted the Phoenician alphabet added vowels ; the Romans gave the letters Latin names to create the alphabet we use today.
* First human communicated only through speaking and simple drawings known as PETROGLYTHS, signs or simple figures carved in rocks.